Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Street Fighter IV Volt is a Console-Quality iOS Game ? 148Apps ...

Sometimes all a person wants in a console-quality iOS game is a faithful port. Street Fighter IV Volt is one such port.

The Backstory
It?s tough to really pin down the goings-on in fighting games. Story isn?t a particularly big focus most of the time and can lead to all kinds of weird stuff. An evil dictator bent on world domination creating a female clone of himself is just one example. Suffice it to say, so long as there?s a reason for wacky folks to fight the hows and whys don?t matter so much. As is the case with Street Fighter. Ignoring the nitty gritty the important thing to understand here is that Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, and the rest have gathered once again to beat the snot out of each other for their own personal reasons. And our amusement, of course.

The Gameplay
Street Fighter IV Volt (and by extension the original iOS release) had one major hurdle to overcome: controls. Virtual sticks and buttons just don?t compare to physical ones no matter how much someone might love their touch screen. Thankfully Capcom pulled them off quite well. While the overall action is a tad slower than most console offerings the fights are still frantic and movement is pretty tight. Whether it?s learning the ropes in Training, tackling the campaign, or taking on other players from across the globe in online matches there?s something for every kind of fighting aficionado. Having a roster of 22 playable characters is nice, too.

How does it Compare?
With practically an equivalent amount of content to its console counterpart and controls that aren?t a hindrance, Street Fighter IV Volt is as good as it gets on iOS. Aside from the concessions for controls and visuals (characters are no longer 3D, which affects the presentation and story segments) it?s pretty much the same game. It?s even got online multiplayer, which is something not even earlier Street Fighter console releases have sported until recently.

It?s not exactly 1:1, but Street Fighter IV Volt does a downright admirable job of giving iOS users a comparable experience to their console bretheren. It?s got the roster, the moves, the modes, and the multiplayer. What more could a fighting game lover on-the-go wish for?

*NOTE: ?Console-quality? refers to the quality of the experience, not just the graphics. This is about the depth of gameplay, content, and in some cases how accurately it portrays the ideals of its console counterpart.*


iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Released: 2011-06-30 :: Category: Games


iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Released: 2010-03-09 :: Category: Games Posted in: Blog, Opinion

Tagged with: console, console port, console quality, fight, Fighter, fighting, fighting game, Street Fighter, Street Fighter 4, street fighter 4 volt, street fighter iv, Street Fighter IV: Volt

Review disclosure: note that the product reviewed on this page may have been provided to us by the developer for the purposes of this review. Note that if the developer provides the product or not, this does not impact the review or score.

Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/street-fighter-iv-volt-consolequality-ios-game/

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